Provincial Airways

Moose Jaw:  (306) 692-7335

Rosetown: (306) 882-3830

office (at) [ office (at) ]

Contact Us

Moose Jaw Head Office

Main Phone: (306) 692 – 7335

Toll Free: (877) 717 – 7335

Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: Box 2170, Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 7T2

Head office Located at the Moose Jaw Municipal Airport:
Hwy 301 North, On Section: 16-17-25-W2

Contact Names:

Jim Wood [President]
Cell: (306) 539 – 4949

James Pottage [Operations Manager]
Email: [email protected]
Cell: (306) 630 – 8870

Adrienne Muchowski -[Office Manager]
Email: [email protected]

Note: Please only call cell phones in the event of an emergency.

Provincial Airways - Moose Jaw- Airport

Rosetown Office

Rosetown Main Office: (306) 882-3830

Mailing Address: Box 1635, Rosetown, SK, S0L 2V0

Located at the Rosetown Airport: Hwy 7 East, On Section: 16-30-14-W3


Contact Names:

Oliver Rodenhurst [Base Manager]
Email: [email protected]

General Inquiries
For any general inquiries plase contact: [email protected]


Rosetown Provincial Airways - Airport